
Posted by Linda | Comments Closed | Tesla

The Tesla, Inc. (formerly known as “Tesla Motors“) is an American automaker, an energy storage company, and a solar panel manufacturer based in Palo Alto, California. Founded in 2003, the company specializes in electric cars, storage of lithium-ion batteries, and, through its subsidiary SolarCity, residential solar panels.

Tesla Motors Logo

Tesla Motors Logo

2024 Tesla Model 4 Car

2024 Tesla Model 4 Car

Some car companies that were trying to start making electric cars in early 2000 tried to make a car that would not cost so many people would buy it. But it’s hard for a new business to do a lot of things at a low price early. Tesla Motors had a different idea. They will make a very expensive, very good electric car, and will each sell for a lot of money.

Tesla Motors

Tesla Motors

Then, after making money, they would start making cars that were not so expensive, and eventually, they would make cheap electric cars that most people could buy. They also had an unusual idea of making only one type of car at a time. When they started making the car cheaper (model S), they stopped doing the Roadster. So far, their ideas have worked, and they are one of the few companies that have begun to manufacture electric cars and stay in business.

The name Tesla originally came from Nikola Tesla. It was an inventor who worked with electricity, electric cars, and many other ideas with Thomas Edison a century earlier.

Tesla Roadster

There were test cars built from 2004 to 2007, but regular production began in 2008. From the end of 2011, they sold 2,150 Tesla Roadsters to customers in 31 countries. It sold for about $ 100,000 dollars but was very fast (0 to 60 mph in 3.9 seconds) and could go a long time before the batteries were recharged. A big problem with electric cars compared to cars that run on gasoline is that most electric cars could not go very far before being recharged. A gasoline car can often go 300 or 400 miles before needing more gas, but most electric cars could not go over 100 miles on a charge (EV-1, RAV4-EV, etc.). The Roadster could go 220 miles on a single charge.

Tesla Model S

The 2018 Tesla Model S replaces the current Tesla Roadster, sold with different battery sizes for $ 58,750 you can go 160 miles. The top end can exceed 265 miles on a load and, with all the extras, it can cost $ 100,000. The 2013 S model was named MotorTrend Automobile of the Year, 2013 Car of the Year by Automotive Magazine, and 2013 Green World Car at the New York International Auto Show. It has a traction coefficient of 0.24, which is more aerodynamic than a Toyota Prius, so it uses less energy to push the air out of the way it moves.

Model Tesla X

The 2018 Tesla Model X is an SUV that has been delayed, but is expected to be released in 2015. The X model was developed from the full-size Sedan of the Tesla S. Model X shares about 60% as a percentage of its content with the Model S and weighs about 10 percent more, both are produced at the Tesla plant in Fremont, California. The first deliveries of X-models began in September 2015. By December 2016, global deliveries totaled more than 25,000 units, and just after a full year in the market, the X-model ranked seventh among the most sold in the world.
Model Tesla 3
The 2018 Tesla 3 model is a luxury four-door luxury sedan manufactured and marketed by Tesla, Inc. According to Tesla officials, the Model 3 offers an EPA range of 310 miles (350 km) and 500 km). Model 3 features an almost sterile instrument panel with a central LCD touchscreen.